The month has flown by mainly due to almost a dozen opportunities to speak to groups about my recent work in India. I really enjoyed giving a lecture last night at my alma mater, George Fox University, for a class that I wish they had when I was there! "The Majority World and the West" focuses on the complexities of development, aid, diplomacy, justice, and much more. I spoke on partnerships and associated issues like dependency and accountability. Yes, I did give the 100+ seniors (from across all the undergrad programs) an overview of CQ!
A brief conversation as I was leaving caught my attention. A professor mentioned that the international student population has changed. When I was there, my freshman year roomate was part of a large contingent of Japanese students. However, apparently, the sister schools eventually lost interest in GF due to some miscommunication (i.e. CQ!) issues.
Now there is an agreement with a Chinese organization or institution which has resulted in about 125 Chinese students each semester. What if CQ had been applied by university representatives? The result could have been increased respect, reputation, and certainly more students -- which means more income -- with both Japanese and Chinese students contributing to the great learning environment at GF.
Although it may seem like a "soft skill", CQ clearly has fiscal payoffs.
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