Monday, July 04, 2011

Leaving India

When Libby and I moved to India in January 2006, we thought we'd work here for a long time...perhaps until any children were in middle school. There are so many opportunities in India: to help the needy, a growing economy, a diverse culture, amazing geography to explore, and more.

But we've decided to end our contract and move back to the USA in August. The decision has even shocked us a bit. We certainly have mixed emotions. On the one hand, we've been going two years at a time and re-evaluating after each chapter if we want to continue or not. We've completed almost 6 years and feel satisfied we've achieved many things, especially with my Indian clients and colleagues. Of course, it's not just about getting things done. Our children were all (four) were born here and we've had positive relationships with neighbors, shopkeepers, government officials, etc. And we've grown personally through challenges we intentionally brought upon ourselves by living in a developing country as well as challenges thrust upon us.

Through it all, we've learned more about ourselves and our place in this world. This is a process that most people haven't seen, of course, but has intensified over the last few months through conversations with a trusted counselor, close friends, colleagues, and family.

When my mom died in June 2000 and I listened to the things said at her memorial service, I had several things seared into my mind forever: we have one life to live to its fullest and people are what matter. For me, that involves helping my family thrive and using my gifts/talents to help the needy as best I can.

I'm a bit nervous about the next season of life...But sometimes we have to take one step at a time and trust that we've been walking on the right path...and the lamp in our shaking hands will reveal the next step as we move forward.

(originally posted on Monday, July 04, 2011 as "A decision...and Ben's thoughts" at

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